Tuesday, November 17, 2015

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming one of the most popular ways to enhance the aesthetic and beauty of teeth. Patients who hide themselves due to their embarrassment of crooked, misshapen, or dull teeth no longer have to feel self-conscious with the variety of cosmetic procedures available. But along with an increase in popularity comes an increase in the rumors surrounding cosmetic dentistry. Is cosmetic dentistry safe? Is it painful? Is it affordable? These are questions we can answer for you here, and by scheduling a consultation at our Gilbert office, we can personally help you decide if a cosmetic procedure is right for you.

However, until you are able to come in for an appointment at Red Canyon Dentistry, debunk some of those rumors for yourself with our quick cosmetic dentistry fact sheet.

White and straight teeth are associated with good health. Studies have shown that whiter and straighter smiles are associated with proper dental hygiene and good overall health. Smiles that are appealing also create better first impressions and positively impact professional as well as personal relationships.

Cosmetic procedures, such as teeth whitening, do not damage tooth enamel. Many people believe that teeth whitening procedures scrape off and permanently damage tooth enamel. This is not the case. Studies have shown that when applied correctly, teeth whitening causes no additional harm to the hardness or mineral content of teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry can solve certain health problems. Tooth loss creates open spaces in the mouth that could provide a breeding ground for infection. Cosmetic procedures such as dental implants or porcelain bridges will not only improve the appearance of your smile, 
but also decrease the chances of infection.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures are completed rather quickly. Usually, a cosmetic procedure can be completed in a span of three dental appointments. Dentists are willing to work around your busy schedule to make sure your treatment is completed in a timely manner. Cosmetic procedures, like teeth whitening, even have the option of being done either in the dentist chair or at home, depending on what best fits your schedule.

Cosmetic dentistry involves little pain or downtime. The details of what a certain cosmetic procedure entails could seem daunting and painful, but with various sedation dentistry methods available, patients experience little to no discomfort after their procedure, and with how quickly procedures are performed, patients find themselves back to their normal daily routine in a matter of days.  

Convinced? To schedule an appointment or find out more information about cosmetic dentistry in Gilbert, AZ, call us today. At Red Canyon Dentistry, we will conduct a one-on-one consultation to determine your qualifications for your desired cosmetic procedure. Get in touch with us today!


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